**If you have received good this month, please submit this mandatory report by the 25th of the month.**
This is required to stay in compliance with World Vision and continue to receive goods.
1- MINISTRY IMPACTPlease summarize how the product helped further your ministry (how it was used), who it benefited, how often, etc. For example, “our ministry distributed air mattresses to a local homeless ministry for unhoused individuals.” Please feel free to highlight partners and products that really made a difference.
2- SHARE A STORYPlease share an individual or family’s story on how God used your ministry and the products to meet a need.
Example Story: In October of 2018, Hilltop Elementary hosted a multi-cultural night to celebrate the rich diversity in their community. This diverse community represents over 30 languages and has over 90% of the student body qualifying for free/reduced lunch. Families who attended the event were able to receive new toothbrush sets. These types of community engagement events are a great way for the local schools, churches, and organizations to come together to be in relationship with the community they are serving.
3- MEDIA IMPRESSIONS (If Applicable) Please share any news or media coverage your ministry received about a product or distribution. Include a hyperlink to any media/news reports if available.
4- CHALLENGESWe would love to hear if you had any challenges distributing the product and help walk alongside you.